Many people think bequests made to Navian Hawaii have to be large and are only made by philanthropists. Nothing could be further from the truth. A bequest made through a will or revocable living trust can be of any amount and by anyone who has a special connection to or believes in the mission of Navian Hawaii. Your gift to Navian Hawaii will help ensure Navian Hawaii’s ability to provide compassionate end-of-life care for Hawaii’s families in future years.
Advantages of a Gift in Your Will
As little as one sentence in your will or living trust is all that is needed to complete your gift.
Assets remain in your control should you need them. You can also change the amount or percentage of your gift at any time.
You can name Navian Hawaii as the sole beneficiary of your assets or as one of several beneficiaries along with family members or other loved ones.
“Navian Hawaii has been around for four decades and will continue to be here for years to come, beyond my lifetime, helping others during difficult times. The unique care provided to patients and their families is what motivated me to make my legacy gift.”
– Ralph Daniels Klous
Actor Jack Lord, best known for his role as Steve McGarrett in the long-running crime drama “Hawaii Five-O,” and his wife Marie, left a bequest in their will to support a dozen charities. This gift made a significant difference in Navian Hawaii and other charities, as well as in the community. What was even more remarkable about this transformational gift was that it came as a complete surprise.
Sample Bequest Language
The following is intended to help you and your attorney in drafting a gift in your will, also known as a bequest, that meets your individual interests. As you consult your attorney on the selection of appropriate wording to reflect your own goals and intentions regarding your charitable bequest, be sure our organization’s correct legal name appears in all final documents as:
“Hospice Hawaii, Inc. a Hawaii nonprofit corporation dba Navian Hawaii, or its successor, Federal Tax Identification Number: 99-0203930.”
General Bequest of a stated sum of money may be worded:
“I give to Hospice Hawaii, Inc., a Hawaii nonprofit corporation dba Navian Hawaii, or its successor [insert here the exact dollar amount].”
Specific Bequest of a certain asset from your estate may be worded:
“I give to Hospice Hawaii, Inc., a Hawaii nonprofit corporation dba Navian Hawaii, or its successor, Federal Tax Identification Number 99-0203930, [insert here a description of the particular property].”
Residuary Bequest, after other bequests and expenses have been paid, may be worded:
“I give to Hospice Hawaii, Inc., a Hawaii nonprofit corporation dba Navian Hawaii, or its successor, Federal Tax Identification Number 99-0203930, all [or a portion] of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate.”
Contingent Bequest if the Testator is not survived by certain individuals:
“If [name/s of primary beneficiary/ies] do/es not survive me, or shall die within ninety (90) days from the date of my death, or as a result of a common disaster, then I give to Hospice Hawaii, Inc., a Hawaii nonprofit corporation dba Navian Hawaii, or its successor, Federal Tax Identification Number 99-0203930, [insert here the exact dollar amount, description of property, or percentage of residual estate].”
Designation of Gift
You can make your bequest in honor or memory of someone special. It can be directed to a particular area that interests you, or you can leave it to the Board to determine the best use of your gift at the time received.
Residuary Bequest with a Program Area Designation may be worded:
“I give to Hospice Hawaii, Inc., a Hawaii nonprofit corporation dba Navian Hawaii, or its successor, Federal Tax Identification Number 99-0203930, all [or a portion] of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate for the support of bereavement programs.”
If you are interested in specifying the use of your bequest, please check with us as you arrange your gift. We want to be sure that we can fulfill whatever your wishes might be.
For Assistance
To learn more about creating your Estate Plan.
Please contact our Philanthropy Manager at or (808) 791-8084.
Because everyone’s situation is different, Hospice Hawaii, Inc., dba Navian Hawaii encourages you to seek professional legal, estate planning, and financial advice before deciding on a course of action. This information does not constitute legal or financial advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional advice.