Referral Process

A patient can self-refer or be referred to Navian Hospice Hawaii by a family member or other physician at any time. Please call us at (808) 791-8000 to find out if hospice care would be appropriate for you or your loved one.

Navian Hospice Hawaii will contact the patient’s physician for medical records and a referral order. A member of the Navian Hospice Hawaii team will schedule a meeting to conduct an assessment, discuss insurance coverage and goals of care, and answer any additional questions.

Navian Hospice Hawaii referral process
early hospice referral

The Benefits of an Early Hospice Referral

Hospice care is traditionally for patients with a prognosis of six months or less should the disease run its normal course; however, some patients may stay on much longer because their quality of life improves or their condition is stabilized.

In a 2010 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, terminal lung cancer patients receiving early palliative care lived 2.7 months longer than those who delayed treatment. The authors hypothesized that:

“earlier integration of palliative care with terminal diagnosis results in better management of symptoms, leading to stabilization of their condition and prolonged survival.”

Patients who are referred to Navian Hospice Hawaii early can receive the full benefit of hospice care. They will no longer need to go to the hospital or to the emergency room, as most treatments and services can be provided at home by Navian Hospice Hawaii’s interdisciplinary care team.

Have A Conversation About Your End-Of-Life Wishes

  • It’s important to have a conversation about your wishes for end-of-life before a medical crisis occurs.
  • Don’t be afraid to call Navian Hospice Hawaii to assist with the conversation. We can help to:
    • Determine eligibility
    • Explain hospice services
    • Offer counseling and support to both the patient and family

Advance Health Care Directives

Everyone should have an advance health care directive. An advance health care directive is a personal statement about your future medical care that states your desires and wishes when you’re unable to speak for yourself. Generally speaking, family members won’t have to guess or argue over your wishes because you’ve placed your decisions in writing and shared those decisions with those who need to know.

If there’s no advance health care directive on file or readily accessible, it’s possible that your doctor may not honor your wishes for end-of-life care especially when there is a family dispute.

Download the Advance Health Care Directive FormDownload the POLST Form