The Caring Hearts Circle acknowledges all gifts including memorials and tributes totaling $1,000 or more in 2015.
Caring Hearts Circle
$10,000 and above
ABC Stores
Aloha United Way
Bank of Hawaii Foundation
Dr. Thomas and Mi Kosasa
George Mason Fund of the Hawaii Community Foundation
Hawaii Energy Connection
Jack & Marie Lord LP Fund
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.
Par Hawaii, Inc.
Pulama Lanai
Shirley McKown
STAT Medical, Inc.
The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Inc.
The Hawaiian Electric Companies
The Shidler Family Foundation
Yukie H. Ichikawa

Caring Hearts Associate
Aloha Petroleum
Anonymous (2)
Hawaii Pacific Health
Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc.
Crystal and Jeffrey Egusa
Jimmy D. Alberts
Judith N. Egusa
Lynch Family Charitable Fund
Michael Ka’eo Gouveia
Mililani Memorial Park & Mortuary
Momi Chang
Oahu Cemetery Association
ProService Hawaii
The Queen’s Medical Center
Vicki L. Borges
Caring Hearts Friends
Aaron Ogata
Alston Hunt Floyd & Ing Lawyers
Angie Nakasone
Anonymous (1)
Aon Foundation
Bank of Hawaii
Becker Communications, Inc
C.S. Wo & Sons
Construction Management & Engineering
Dr. Serena Lo
Ekahi Health System LLC
Ernst & Young LLP
Finance Factors Foundation
Friends of Hawaii Charities, Inc.
Hawaii Lodging & Tourism Association
Hawaii Management Alliance Association
Hawaii Meals on Wheels, Inc.
Hawaiian Dredging Construction Company, Inc.
HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Union
Island Insurance Co., Ltd.
Jason K. Nagai
Jonathan Y. C. Ching Revocable Trust
Kahala Nui
Meadow Gold Dairies
Alan T. Egusa
Dallas Williams
Dana S. Ishibashi
National Hospice Foundation
Nuuanu Memorial Park & Mortuary, Ltd.
Patrick K. S. L. Yim
R. M. Towill Corporation
The Plaza Assisted Living
The Schuler Family Foundation
University Health Alliance
Wilson In Home
Caring Hearts Companions
$1,000 to $2,499
Alvin and Karen Fuse
Ann and Gary Pang
Anonymous (2)
Arcadia Foundation
Barbara Jean L. Yamamura
Benjamin Ancheta Jr.
Brigitte McKale
Castiglione a Casauria Foundation
Castle Medical Center
Consuelo Zobel Alger Foundation
Craig S. Thomas M.D.
Don H. Smith Fund
Drake K.C. Yim
Family of Mook-lan Mui Fan
Geico Philanthropic Foundation
George Morris
George T. Auyong
Harriet H. Kaneshiro
Hazel H. Takumi Foundation
HFM Foodservice
Jacquelline L. Johnson
James and Marilyn Pappas
Jan Yokota and Kip Wilborn
Jhamandas Watumull Fund
John & Wendy Nakamura
John C. Self
Julie Anne Wassel
Kenn Saruwatari
Leonore and Melvin Higa
Linoma S. Gragson
Marjorie M. Gordon
Matson Navigation Company, Inc.
Maui Hotel and Lodging Association
Gerald A. Sumida
Julio Martin
Harriet J. Tom
Tokuto T. Hajiro
Lani Abrigana
Mary Ann Lau
Pamela I. Hirata
Virginia R. F. Enoka
Murphy’s Fund of the Hawaii Community Foundation
Mystic Lodge No. 2, Knights of Pythias
Nancy Caryl Noll
Nellie Lee
Pikake Foundation
Ralph T. Horii Jr.
Robert and Jeanne Tsushima
Rodney M. Harano
Schwab Charitable Fund
Signe A. Godfrey
Sukamto Foundation, Inc.
Terri T. Fujii
The Gentry Companies
The Marvin and Rae Alice Hall Fund
Victoria K. Sakai
WEBCO Foundation, Inc.
Winifred Bennett
We greatly appreciate each gift given in support of Navian Hawaii, and we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this listing. Please contact Hospice Hawaii at 808-924-9255 or email to report any inaccuracies or omissions.