Purpose Statement:
This board’s primary purpose is to connect Navian Hawaii (NH) to a more diverse audience and generate awareness of the alignment of our organization’s mission to those shared values that most resonate within the wider community, namely volunteerism, community care and personal and/or professional growth. It’s through relationship-building, genuine connection, community-mindedness and reciprocity that this group of like-minded emerging leaders will demonstrate Navian Hawaii’s benefits in meeting the needs of Hawaii’s community members.
Introducing N.A.V. Board
Jerry Blue
Partner, President
Element 8
Kevin Fujinaga
Manager, Existing Customer Marketing & Retail Operations
Hawaiian Airlines
Shannan Okinishi
Marketing Manager
City Mill
Staci Yoshihara
Assistant Director of Bookstores
University of Hawaii
Ryan Hew
Managing Partner
Hew & Bordenave
Alyson Wee
Regional Director, Revenue Generation
Springboard Hospitality
Brandon Yamashita
Advanced Advertising Sales Manager
Charter Communications/Spectrum Reach
Roles and Responsibilities:
Volunteerism is an essential role of all N.A.V. members. Whether it is in giving of one’s time or monetary resources, Navian Hawaii will depend on its N.A.V. board to spearhead key philanthropic initiatives primarily through fundraising and event support.
Community Care comes in the way of being a community-minded connector. N.A.V. members have the willingness to serve as ambassadors who connect with Navian Hawaii’s communities, and likewise also introduce Navian Hawaii to his or her own networks. Community care is also practiced as board members help Navian Hawaii achieve its philanthropic goals as a means to support Navian’s greater mission and commitment to provide hope and improved quality of life to the people of Hawaii.
Personal and/or professional growth is an area of focus and a reciprocated benefit that members will receive in serving on the N.A.V. board. Valuable opportunities will be provided for N.A.V. members to connect with business leaders from the Navian Hawaii board. These engagements will allow members of both boards to cultivate relationships through shared experiences and learning. Larger networking events will also be integrated when possible to expand the exposure and synergy of the N.A.V. board to other like-minded non-profits.
Term of Service:
- 2 year term limit, with the opportunity to renew
Fundraising Goal: Raise a minimum of $2,500 in monetary donations per year for Navian Hawaii through support of NH’s annual fundraising events. (Minimum fundraising goal may be met in combination with other attainment goals.)
- The N.A.V. board is encouraged to meet once a month (oras needed based upon board projects and events.)
- Board members will commit to attend monthly meetings (10 out of the 12 meetings)
Additional Information:
This group does not have any formal authority to govern Navian Hawaii.
Interested in Becoming a Member?
If you are interested in becoming a member of the N.A.V. Board, call (808) 791-8033 or email navboard@navianhawaii.org.